Signed in as:
RISE: Relax. Invigorate. Support. Educate. As a group of practitioners, we aim to Relax and/or Invigorate the mind and body; Support our clients on their health journeys, and each other in business; and we share in the passion for Educating ourselves in our practices; and our clients as they work towards their maximal potential in health and wellness.
To create a shared community space where like-minded health, wellness, and fitness professionals can share their work, thrive, and support clients' on their health journeys.
To rebuild the minds and bodies of our clients through fitness and alternative, integrative medicine. To rebuild the community by once again bringing people together into a positive, optimistic, and supportive environment. To rebuild small business by supporting the growth of the many talented, inspiring, and skilled wellness practitioners in our area.
The lotus flower takes a journey from a muddy seed buried deep in the dark waters, emerges into the light, and blossoms into a glorious flower, untouched by the mud that surrounds it. This is symbolic of how many people, families, and business owners are feeling as they emerge from an unexpected Pandemic; something none of us could have planned for. May we all RISE together in health, wellness, and beauty, similar to the Lotus flower.
For more information on sharing our space and/or hosting a workshop or class, please fill out our space inquiry form.
The deep purple/blue color symbolizes wisdom, calm, loyalty, and trust.
The gold/yellow color symbozies warmth, joy, energy, optimism, and innovation.
If these colors and values speak to you as a practitioner or as client looking to seek assistance with your health and wellness needs, join our community at RISE Wellness Delmar. Welcome!